“Why build these cities glorious if man unbuilded goes? in vain we build the world, unless the builder also grows.” EDWIN MARKHAM
Institute of Integral Education
The 43 – year Excellence of Subodhi Institute of Integral Education
Director’s Message
Message from the Director,
Subodhi, Institute of Integral Education, is located on the serene banks of the Bolgoda Lake, surrounded by natural beauty and enhanced by the remarkable architecture of Geoffrey Bawa. This tranquil setting provides the perfect environment for visitors to embark on a journey toward inner peace.
The dedicated efforts of the former administration; the priests and the staff have laid a profound foundation for us to carry forward this vital mission. The Catholic Church continues to take the lead in addressing life’s challenges by bridging gaps and helping individuals face these struggles with confidence and purpose.
Amidst the rapid expansion and development of the material world, the search for meaning and inner peace remains a profound need at every stage of life. Subodhi stands committed to guiding individuals on this meaningful path.
As Charels Dickens expressed at his book, “A Tale of Two Cities” in 18th century ;
“It was the best of the times
It was the worst of ties
It was the age of wisdom
It was the age of foolishness
It was epoch of belief …
It was season of light
It was the season of darkness …
We had everything before us
We had nothing before us
We were all going direct to Heaven
We were all going direct the other way…”
This message reflects the currents and challenges of society, highlighting the dichotomy within human life. It remains valid and true even today.
In response to the vacuum experienced by teenagers and youth—often left unaddressed by formal education—the founder of Subodhi Institute of Integral Education sought to bridge this gap. He introduced the profound and transformative Education for Life program, which focuses on nurturing the inner self and helping individuals connect with their true essence.
Over the past 44 years, Subodhi’s vision and mission have borne fruit in society, making a significant difference in the lives of countless individuals, enabling them to live with purpose and meaning.
Today, more than ever, it is essential to embrace a holistic approach to life in order to face its challenges with dignity. Subodhi, by its very nature, provides opportunities for teenagers and youth to deepen their understanding of their inner selves. It seeks to fill the void within them by expanding their inner being—their “soul” or Atma, as the founder himself expressed, quoting Edwin Markham: “Why build these cities glorious if man unbuilded goes; in vain we build the world, unless the builder also grows.”
Our message and invitation to you is simple: Come and experience the profound value of being truly human.
Rev. Fr. Lawrence Ramanayake
Director, Subodhi Institute.
“Realization of the Holistic Human Person
in the Society”
“To create opportunities to understand the value of the integral human growth
by empowering youth and teenagers focusing on Seven Secrets of life.”